

  • Rotary Orange Juicer
  • 23.5" (w) x 21.5" (d) x 39" (h)
  • Juices 40 fruits per minute.
  • 21kg hopper.
  • Exceptionally fast, coping with the biggest demands.
  • Digital counter and soft cutting system.

Call Today-(718) 309 0021


Our Cruz S30 Juicer is one of the fastest rotary juice extractors on the market, capable of juicing up to 40 fruits per minute. That would be the equivalent of a box of oranges every two minutes. The juicer is set up to be self serve if you choose.  The Cruz S30 Juicer comes with a stainless steel cart, where you can put the waste receptacle underneath the juicer to collect the squeezed fruit. The S30 juicer strains, squeezes and presses both oranges and lemons, and is a high demand machine, primarily designed for the supermarket, hotel or any establishment where high volume juicing is required.  The S30 Cruz Juicer is easy to clean and built to last, requiring very little maintenance while durably juicing during peak periods-offering great tasting juice and a beautiful display to attract customers to your juicing program.